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From The Publisher


I am Lilian Chudey Pride, welcome to I am super excited about this opportunity to connect Africans and lovers of the continent on this promising online magazine.

Our Mission is AFRICA to the world and the world with Africa. Our Vision is to grow Africa’s potentials, peoples and prospects using our various categories on this platform, connecting globally on the cultural, social, economic, educational and general well-being of our peoples. 

We will strive to promote content that proffers useful guidance to quality family life for individuals and communities; enhance understanding of, and visibility for businesses, and corporate patrons, as well as provide value for visitors to our site. 

I am an African woman, born and bred in Africa. Oh, how I love Africa, my Motherland. How I enjoyed folk tales back in the day, moonlight stories by fireside, gathering with family members, extended family, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews and Neighbours. There is a lot to know and tell about Africa. Here, we will tell our own stories ourselves, and provide opportunities for factual and verifiable accounts of peoples and cultures of our Motherland. 

Through our contents, personality (guest) stories, and shared life experiences of real people, we will learn from one another and see Africa for who SHE truly is, an ageless damsel, big, bold and beautiful.

I am a wife, Bible lover, Sunday-school and Bible study teacher, author, writer, storyteller, Newspaper Columnist with Lagos Nigeria. “The Childless Woman’s Coach”, women group leader, good cook, great homemaker and encourager. I do a lot of good things with my hands, and I love imparting knowledge. 

My love for helping childless women and imparting knowledge to teenagers and youths around me spurred me to launch Tenderpride Teen Guide Foundation in Lagos, Nigeria, in 2004. I created “School Talk” as a baby of this Foundation which afforded me the opportunity to interact with many teenagers and youths in some schools in Nigeria. While guiding the girl child to maintain her dignity, the boy child is equally taught to aspire to become a responsible person in the society. Our programmes equip them to look forward to becoming the husband any girl would crave and the best father any child will cherish. This initiative recorded tremendous success. Similarly, I established and managed a Private Day-Care, Nursery and Primary Education Center for twelve years in Sango-Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.

I am the Founder and President, Life Beyond Motherhood and Teen Guide Foundation with its aims and objectives centering on empowering Childless Women, Teenagers and Youth.

I love travelling, meeting people and enjoying their culture with them. I love to build, I love to laugh a lot, I work a lot, I pray a lot and I play a lot too. While writing Africa from the Lens of my camera and strokes of my pen, it will be my pleasure to help you reach your transformational life goals, using my unique tools, my pen, my speed and my articulation.

I have been married for three decades + now to Dr. Chudey Pride (PhD). He is my friend, my confidant and the most amazing man in the whole wide world. 

I love God so much and I know you do too.

Welcome on board!!!

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