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By Lilian Chudey Pride

*Lilian Chudey Pride, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief,, in Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas, United States

This place brought immense joy and great rejuvenation to my spirit, soul and body. A place of meditation and reconnection with the Lord indeed. A place of stones that is sure to remind me constantly of the Chief Corner Stone, and equally took me into remembering the stones that the Israelites pitched across Jordan -Lilian Chudey Pride

I was greeted by these three huge beautiful Stones full of reminders that are sure to linger in my innermost being for a very long time. And yes, I was in Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas, United States. Sitting at this luscious garden were memories of events past, yet very fresh in our consciousness, and very much alive.

How many times have some of us dreamed a dream that would have changed the narratives of our lives’ journeys, but we treated them with kids’ gloves?

Many of us dream dreams, some remember, some forget. Dreams are sometimes Visions of events that are right at hand, sometimes revelations about someone going to be redeemed from bondage in a matter of days and sometimes, prophesy of great occurrences in decades or generations to come. The Bible book of Habakkuk 2:2-3 has this to say: “And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry”.

While sleeping in the night once upon a time, many generations ago, Jacob received a dream from God that changed his life. Jacob saw a large structure like ladder, tower or staircase reaching up from earth to heaven. The Bible book of Genesis 28:12 records that along this ladder he saw angels ascending and descending on it. Then, God’s voice stood out as he spoke to Jacob. Though Jacob had received blessings from his father, but obviously, there is one he needed which is far more important than anything he had received. This should come from God. So, God spoke the same covenant he made with Abraham and Isaac; now, to Jacob. God will make Jacob’s descendants a great nation and will give them the land he promised Abraham. God keeps His Word, His Word is who He is.

On a huge stone in Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas, sat the engraved Jacob’s Dream Stone, carved and sculptured pieces of art work made by Jack Maxwell, a renowned artist.

Every scar I incur along my way, as I run this race with grace, I will always consider as a stone that I have to pitch across every Jordan I pass through. Scars and Stones are good reminders of God’s goodness to me. -Lilian Chudey Pride.

Maxwell talks about the four angels which he depicted in a bronze artwork, these angels are positioned at the four corners of the earth by God, bringing messages from heaven to earth and taking messages from earth to heaven. Here are some of Jack Maxwell’s words engraved on the first stone. “In designing this site, I endeavored for a purposeful melding of form and meaning. The basic footprint of the Trinity. Engraved Scriptures provide Spiritual focus and guidance. The basic elements of creation, water, rock and plant-speak to the nature of God, his Son and his promise”.

The bronze angels, four in number, suggest God’s continual presence “Whither thou goest” to the four corners of the earth” .

Jack Maxwell goes further to say; “it is my prayer that this will be a place of meditation and worship, a place where new births in Christ might occur, hearts might be renewed, and above all else, the God above all gods might be glorified”. These are the words of Jack Maxwell artist MMVI.

In designing this site, I endeavored for a purposeful melding of form and meaning. The basic footprint of the Trinity. Engraved Scriptures provide Spiritual focus and guidance. The basic elements of creation, water, rock and plant-speak to the nature of God, his Son and his promise – Jack Maxwell

The second stone was a Tribute to Grace L. Woodward, and the third stone, in 2006.

Yet another stone standing in this serene environment displayed these words found in Psalm 19:1, ” …The Firmament showeth His Handiwork”.

This place brought immense joy and great rejuvenation to my spirit, soul and body. A place of meditation and reconnection with the Lord indeed. A place of stones that is sure to remind me constantly of the Chief Corner Stone, and equally took me into remembering the stones that the Israelites pitched across Jordan.

At this beautiful garden full of stones, I chose to sit on the stone inscribed NARROW because ” …Narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it”. (Matthew 7:14).

Every scar I incur along my way, as I run this race with grace, I will always consider as a stone that I have to pitch across every Jordan I pass through. Scars and Stones are good reminders of God’s goodness to me.

-Lilian Chudey Pride.

About Post Author

Lilian Chudey Pride

Hello, I am Lilian Chudey Pride, Good to welcome you to my online world. I am a Wife, Mother, Teacher, Writer, Encourager, Author of the book: "DIGNITY OF WOMANHOOD" and Publisher, I love Africa so much and I derive joy in telling the world about her beauty. I also talk about the ups and downs moments of a grown African woman, plus tips on how to move ahead in good health despite all challenges. Through the unfailing Word of God from the Bible, I encourage families to stay prayerful, joyful and faithfully rooted in Jesus Christ. Welcome to Africa.

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